To the Wire
Racing against the clock, painting like mad. 5 days to go, counting today.
We have 24 days to go before our set up for Artprize at the Gerald R Ford Museum, and we have a lot of work to do. Just how big this project is, from the wind collector built by Todd Cahill, to the structure being built in Kokomo Indiana by David Braun of Cogbots, to
Team members and sponsors needed. Join the Infernal Crew! Read More »
Well, actually it is an improvement and upgrade on the previously proposed tee shirt design. Now that we’re ready to go to production on these, I started off doing some graphical cleanup and decided it would be cooler if the shirts were two sided and had fancier text on them. I’m catching up from the
End of life for one thing can often be the beginning of life for another. Among the Infernal Device crew, this has been an intentional thought in both design and execution. We are pleased to have been able to find many ways to put this in action. In addition to the main structural beams, which I
Reclaim, Reuse, Rebirth Read More »
Laying down the body of the device.. from YouTube This may look like the demise of the device, but it was just the beginning of the install at the museum. When you have a vision this large, it takes large equipment to get it moved. The Body had to be laid on its side in
Sometimes an art installation is more than just a nail in the wall…. Read More »
If you’re not on my list of friends, or followers on any of my feeds. then chances are you are coming in for Artprize related things, have seen us on the news, or just stumbled upon this page – and you may not quite know what “steampunk” is. In a nutshell, Steampunk is a return
Steampunk and Surrealism.. just go together Read More »
The main structural support for the Device is a set of four 10 foot tall wooden beams. These are not just pieces of wood we found, the beams have a history and a tell a story of generations of a family. The corner beams were originally structural beams in a building in David’s grandfather’s local
The story of the Beams Read More »
We’re back from our guest showing at this year’s Maker Faire Detroit, and it was a blast, of heat and relentless Sun… but we also had a blast there. Maker Faire made for the perfect opportunity for we artists to meet up in person, exchange parts, take measurements, and make pans for the final build
News, Helpers Wanted, Sponsorships available Read More »
Well, it looks like I am devoting myself this year to finally finishing up my children’s book – but for now, I am working really hard at making our kickstarter successful. We are beyond dedicated to making this happen… so much so that I stayed up all day and night putting this special drawing together
So, I’ve been trying to think of something really good, but inexpensive that I could put together as an added incentive to be a part of our kickstarter, and in staying up all night making a new engraving – it came to me… This coloring book. When I was a kid, Advanced Dungeons and Dragon’s